Up and Comers Under 40 Q&A - Pamela Salling


Name: Pamela Salling
Astrological Sign: Scorpio
Year Joined Major, Lindsey & Africa: 2021

What attracted you to Major, Lindsey & Africa?

Best-in-class recruiting for lawyers

What is the best part of your job?

Bringing people together. Companies rely on their in-house talent and candidates are seeking meaningful work and professional development—being able to connect the two is incredibly satisfying.

What is the most surprising part of being a recruiter?

How great it feels to tell a candidate they got their dream job.

How would you describe your career in 6 words or less?

Proactive, empathetic, accountable, transparent listener

Describe one of your successes thus far at Major, Lindsey & Africa.

Over the last nine months, I placed nine first-time GCs, seven of whom (~78%) are observationally diverse.

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